
8 Great Tips on How to Build a Successful Career at the UN

Tips on How to Build a Successful Career at the UN, Building a successful career at the UN can be challenging, as the organization is highly competitive, and job openings are limited.

If you want to start and grow a successful career at the UN then you must know that it requires dedication, hard work, and a commitment to the organization’s mission and values.

In this article, we will provide tips on how to build a successful career at the UN, from advancing your skills and qualifications to networking with colleagues and taking advantage of professional development opportunities.

Tips on How to Build a Successful Career at the UN

If you are ready to build and advance your career at the UN, here’s a few great tips that can help you achieve that.

1. Research the UN and its Agencies

Before pursuing a career at the UN, it is essential to understand the organization’s structure, mandates, and functions.

There are several specialized agencies of the UN, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), among others.

The UN is committed to promoting peace, human rights, and sustainable development, among other things. Understanding these values will help you align your career goals with the organization’s mission and contribute to its objectives.

2. Gain relevant education and experience

To build a successful career at the UN, you need relevant education and experience in your field of interest. Many jobs at the UN require advanced degrees, such as a Master’s or Ph.D., and experience working in related fields.

Volunteering or interning with a UN agency or non-governmental organization (NGO) can also provide valuable experience and networking opportunities.

Also, it is critical to stay updated on world affairs and current events because they frequently affect the UN’s activities. You can achieve this by reading the news from around the world, going to seminars and workshops, and networking with experts in your industry.

3. Network with colleagues and mentors

In the UN, networking with coworkers and mentors is crucial for career growth. Join staff gatherings, lectures, and training sessions to network with professionals in your industry and discover the various departments and initiatives. Having a mentor can also be a great source of advice and support as you proceed along your career path.

4. Learn a UN language

The UN has six official languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Learning one of these languages can enhance your chances of being hired and help you communicate effectively with colleagues from different regions.

The UN offers language courses to staff members, but it is also a good idea to study on your own or take classes at a language school.

5. Take Advantage of Professional Development Opportunities

The UN offers numerous professional development opportunities for its staff, including training programs, leadership development programs, and mentoring programs.

These opportunities can help you develop new skills and knowledge, as well as gain exposure to different areas of the organization.

Taking advantage of professional development opportunities can also help you demonstrate your commitment to your career and your willingness to learn and grow.

This can be particularly valuable when it comes to seeking promotions or advancing to more senior roles within the organization.

6. Demonstrate leadership skills

Leadership skills are highly valued at the UN, regardless of your role or level. You can demonstrate leadership skills by taking initiative, collaborating with colleagues, and finding creative solutions to problems.

Seeking out leadership roles within your team or department can also demonstrate your potential for advancement.

7. Be flexible and adaptable

Working at the UN often requires flexibility and adaptability. You may be asked to work in different regions or departments, and you may need to learn new skills or languages.

Being open to new experiences and challenges can help you advance in your career and demonstrate your commitment to the UN’s mission.

8. Maintain a Positive Attitude and Perseverance

At the UN, establishing a successful career can be difficult, and there might be obstacles along the road. It’s critical to keep a positive outlook and continue in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

You can stay motivated and committed to your objectives by keeping a positive attitude, and you may overcome obstacles and keep working toward your career goals by being persistent.

Keep in mind that developing a successful career at the UN is a lengthy process that demands commitment and diligence.

Concluding Note

Gaining relevant education and experience, learning a UN language, networking, being flexible and adaptable, seeking out training and development opportunities,

demonstrating leadership skills, and maintaining a positive attitude are all key factors in advancing in your role and contributing to the UN’s objectives.

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